Landscape Services

No job is too big for us to conquer. Click below to get started.

Results that last

Homeowners, HOAs, and contractors have turned to Franz Witte for 50 years for their landscaping and maintenance needs. We have the experience to build you something amazing.

Let us help you turn your property into something beautiful.

Put your landscape to work for you

Improving your spaces with environmentally conscious designs is one of the best ways to reduce your energy costs as well as increase your property value. Through our decades of experience we know how to get the most out of your landscape.

Landscaping Services

Landscape Construction

landscape maintenance

Ready to get started?

No job is too big for us to conquer. Fill out our landscape design & installation estimate to get started.

Estimate For Design/Build Project

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Work Needed *

Request An Estimate

Plant Request Survey

We value your input! If you couldn’t find the plants you were looking for, then please let us know. While we can’t guarantee that we will be able to fulfill every request or respond to each survey, your feedback is invaluable. We’ll use the information gathered to help improve our inventory.

Thank you for helping us serve you better!

**due to supplier availability, requests are not guaranteed to be fulfilled.

Estimate For Maintenance

Currently we do not offer residential maintenance. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

Project Type *
Work Needed *

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