Winter is an amazing time for houseplants – why? Well, sure, you can argue that wintertime means they aren’t being quite as outshined by the outdoor plants. A more compelling reason is that increasing the botanical presence in your living space is a great way to combat the winter blues!
Here are some great, durable houseplants to introduce among your ranks this winter:
Crassula (Jade Plant)
Crassula can withstand low light and the temperature fluctuations during this season.
This plant won’t shed too many tears when the windowsill gets a bit chillier, and they’re generally durable and easy-going too. Remember that kid at school that always said, “I don’t even need a coat, I’m not cold!” That kid was actually a Pothos all along.
Dracaena Trifasciata (Snake Plant)
The thick leaves of the snake plant not only LOOK durable but totally are durable too. This plant will also tolerate fluctuations in light exposure, so a couple gloomy days aren’t going to set it back.
ZZ Plant
Mild neglect will not bring them down. MILD neglect. Not like, full on neglect, y’know?
Honorable Mention: Anthurium
Anthurium typically favors warmer environments but they can still thrive in cold temperatures if you are willing to give it a tiny bit of TLC. They like humidity and bright, indirect light, so if you have a bathroom with a little window and a nook this would be a great spot for this little cutie.
Bringing Your New Plant Home
When transporting your new plant, be sure to pay attention to the climate in your vehicle. A great way to help your new plant avoid shock on an especially cold drive home is to cover it with a blanket, just like you would for a beloved pet!
Addressing a Common Misconception
On a slightly unrelated note – make sure you are occasionally opening your windows to let airflow in during the winter. The air in your house can stagnate and germs thrive in that environment. If you run a few fans and keep a couple windows cracked for an hour or two, your whole household will be better for it.
Why bring it up? Well, it turns out although plants do slightly improve the air quality in general, you would need A LOT of houseplants to achieve the kind of air quality improvement that most folks are looking for. Maybe you aren’t like most folks – in which case – embrace the jungle you live in and bring as many plants as you can home with you. We support it.
All these plants and more are available at the Franz Witte Garden Center. Come visit us soon!